When the Law comes for her last remaining family member, a rural Southern grandmother must choose between faith and blood.


RUTH is my first ever spec pilot, and was inspired by my produced short film, TWO FOR TEA. The script is currently a finalist in the ScreenCraft TV Pilot Screenplay competition. 

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a damp hush has fallen over the very White CONGREGATION, as a lone ceiling fan CLICKETY-CLACKS overhead.

RUTH BARRETT (70s, silver hair) sits ramrod straight near the front - daring the sweat to fall.

Her grandson DREW (late teens) slouches beside her.

At the pulpit, PASTOR CLAY JENKINS (50s, bad suit) HONKS his nose into a handkerchief, examines the results, then tucks the whole science experiment back into his pocket.

The Congregants pretend not to notice.

The Pastor focuses on his notes, which ruffle in the breeze from a small, battery-powered fan clipped to the lectern. He MUTTERS to himself as he searches for his place, then...

                         PASTOR JENKINS

Ruth straightens even more, as too many eyes turn her way and Drew tries to melt into the pew.

Pastor Jenkins chuckles.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            The Book of Ruth, that is.
            Although this week, especially...

His voice softens as he gestures toward Ruth Barrett.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            We could all stand to give a little 
            extra consideration to our dear 
            sister in Christ.

More heads turn Ruth’s way, including SHERIFF BUD STOLLER’s.

Sheriff Stoller (40s, overweight) sits a few pews back from Ruth and Drew with his blond-hair-blue-eyed wife SARAH (40s)and their TWO YOUNG SONS.

His SERVICE PISTOL hangs off his hip into the aisle - the holster TAPPING against the pew as he bounces his leg.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            This morning, however...

Most eyes shift back to the pulpit.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            I will ask you to turn with me, if 
            you will, to the book of Ruth. To 
            another woman by that same name... 

Drew notices Sheriff Stoller still staring their way - leg still jittering.


                         PASTOR JENKINS
            A hard-working woman of God who 
            cared for her dear, widowed mother 
            when no one else would... 

Drew glares at the Sheriff, then leans in close to Ruth.

                         DREW (WHISPERING)

Ruth grabs his hand and squeezes.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            Because when it comes right down 
            to it, the heart of a good Christian 
            life is and always will be...

Behind Ruth and Drew, Sheriff Stoller’s wife elbows him in the side. He turns his attention back to the pulpit.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            ...the Family.



Pastor Jenkins stands on the landing outside the open doors of the church, greeting the Congregants before ushering them down the steps and on their way.

Ruth and Drew wait their turn, as a PARTICULARLY SWEATY MAN
pumps Pastor Jenkins’ hand.

                         SWEATY MAN
            Y’all gonna have that AC back up 
            by next week, Pastor? Cuz I-tell-
            youwhat... Woo!

Pastor Jenkins manages to reclaim his hand.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            I suppose that depends on how much 
            you tossed in the offering plate 
            today, brother Bill.
                    (off Bill’s awkward laugh)
            Good to see you, Bill. God bless.

He pulls out that snotty handkerchief from earlier and wipes the last of (apparently) Bill’s sweat from his hand.

Ruth and Drew step up.

The Pastor tucks the handkerchief back into his pocket. He smiles, reaching out a freshly snotted hand...

                    (glaring at that hand)

The Pastor pulls it back.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            I apologize if I overstepped there, 

Ruth starts to reply, then stops. Momentarily frozen at the sight of Sheriff Bud Stoller, staring up at Ruth from the gravel parking lot below.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            You just need to know that your 
            church family is here for you.

Ruth turns back to Pastor Jenkins.

            Thank you. I do.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            Well, I am glad to hear that. So. 
            Pick you up same time Wednesday?
                    (off her nod)
            All right, then. Glad to have
            you here today Ruth. And you too, Drew.

Pastor Jenkins smiles at the line of people behind Ruth and
Drew. He reaches out to guide Ruth by-- thinks better of it.

                         PASTOR JENKINS
            And of course, if you change your 
            mind about Saturday, I’ll be happy
            to drive you then, as well...

Ruth stares down at the Sheriff.

Pastor Jenkins clears his throat.


Ruth snaps back to the Pastor.

            Thank you, Clay. I will keep 
            that in mind.

Ruth marches down the steps, straight for the Sheriff.

Drew hustles to catch up.

The Sheriff fidgets.

                         SHERIFF STOLLER
            Mrs. Barrett, I know you probably--

Ruth and Drew plow on past him. No eye contact. Bee-lining for a rusty old Ford truck.

                         SHERIFF STOLLER
            Ruth, please...

The Sheriff starts after her, when--

                         SARAH STOLLER (O.S.)

His wife Sarah stands by a POLICE CRUISER, arms crossed.

                         SARAH STOLLER
            Boys are gettin’ hot.

She nods her head toward their children, who wait in the back of the cruiser.

The Sheriff hesitates.


We stick with him as he walks back and climbs



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